Thursday, July 26, 2018

"I Feel Like the Bottom Fell Out"

Often times on this journey called life we are completing our day to day tasks, going from here to there, working, brunching and lunching, dancing and skipping and then we are faced with a moment that we have no control over. We cannot press the pause button and we do not have the ability to ask for an instant restart. It feels like the bottom simply fell out.

Yesterday evening, I was faced with a question that took me back to a place I thought He had already delivered me. The question came from a fertility friend that said, “I feel like the bottom has fallen out. How do I keep moving?”  This question was a throat punch and blow to my stomach. It took me back to the place where I felt like Alice in Wonderland falling down a rabbit hole not knowing when I was going to hit the bottom. Was there a net, a friend, my husband or someone there that would catch me? There was no choir singing, “I won’t let you fall if you lean on Me.”  It was simply what seemed like a never-ending fall and nothing to grab and hold for safety nor security.

On this road to fertility or the road to the blessing you desire, we have to realize at that very moment when we feel the bottom is falling out that this is the TEST! This is the point where God wants to see if we will trust Him with the thing that we desire most. Will we be faithful to Him when we get it? What is that He is building in us through the process?

The worst thing about the bottom falling out is everyone believing you have it all together yet you are hurting and in despair. Everyone is looking up to you but no one is ever seeing you nor your pain. What happens when you are a successful person but you are going to doctor appointment after doctor appointment getting NO after NO and people have expectations for you to simply be you? No one is aware that you need them to be there for you. No one knows the pain you are feeling. You are at the bottom and it is lonely.

So what happens when the bottom falls out? What happens when you feel this faith walk is more like falling in a rabbit’s hole with no end in sight? You simply pause and reflect on the promises of God. You realize that this is all for your good. You pray that God removes the scales from your eyes so you are able to know that where I am now is not my final destination! You ask Him to remove the shackles from your mind and your imagination so you are able to realize God can trust you! He placed you on this journey because He knows you will give him Glory after this.